Spirituality of the Oratory: Knowing Our Charism Season 6 - Sign Up Form
The Brooklyn Oratory Virtual Small Groups continue to explore Oratorian spirituality using original materials written and developed by Fr. Anthony Andreassi and Fr. Michael Callaghan. Through scripture reflection, meditation and discussion, the small groups aim is to deepen our relationship with God and with one another in the spirit of St. Philip Neri.

Spirituality of the Oratory: Knowing Our Charism begins its sixth season this Lent exclusively through private videoconference platforms. The theme for Season 6 is "Deepening Joy by Word and the Spirit." Participants will meet for 6 consecutive weeks, beginning the week of February 28 through the week of April 4, 2022.
The faith-sharing booklet will be made available in digital form and while there is no direct charge for the booklet, you are invited to maintain your generous stewardship through PushPay, mail, or in-person donations. https://oratorychurch.org/onlinegiving

It doesn’t matter if you have not attended any of the previous seasons to share your faith and journey during these extraordinary times. Because of the nature of small groups, participants are expected to attend at least 4 of the 6 sessions - including the first or second session. If you are unable to attend four sessions, please consider requesting a copy of the booklet for individual reflection.

Contact: affc@oratorychurch.org with questions, or to request a copy of the booklet.
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First and Last Name *
Phone Number, cell phone preferred *
In which parish are you registered? *
1st Choice: Please select your first choice *
2nd Choice: Please select your second choice *
Are you interested in learning about facilitating or hosting a virtual small community group?
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Are you new to small groups and have questions or would like to speak with someone who has participated in them?
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