Season 43: Week 1 - Friday, 7/10/2020!
No matter where you are playing, we'll track your scores from week to week against all other registered league teams. It's never too late to join The League! Official Standings page at:

We're here doing this with the efforts to launch the next chapter of NYC Trivia League. We are all in this together and want to stay together as a community. As always, we are happy to offer our service for free to anyone that wants to play.

We would really appreciate a donation to NYC Trivia League. A small $5 or $10 contribution helps to keep us running!

You can donate on Venmo is @playnyc. Anything helps! (Please never donate if it causes you any hardship financially).

If you would like to help us out FOR FREE, you can do so by leaving us a star rating on either Yelp or Facebook, or by recommending our virtual pub quiz to your friends. Thanks so much!

If you want to support a particular host in our network, put their name in the comments of the Venmo and we will give them 50% of the amount you send.
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What is your name? *
What is your team name?
Did you play during Season 42 and want to register for the upcoming The King's Cup: Virtual Trivia Championships? Click the link below to register your team!
Which Best Describes You? *
How many people are playing on your trivia team? *
If you are an NYC team, what is your home bar?
If you are from out of town, where are you joining us from?
If you're interested in a trivia double-header TONIGHT, we have a special partnership with Summer on the Hudson, for 9:30pm Trivia Friday on June 10th. If you'd like to register, please click the link below!
How do you feel about cheating? *
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