Business 1-on-1 Consulting Form
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Adresse e-mail *
Please provide Name: *
Please provide Phone #:
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Do You Have An Existing Business
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If so, tell me about your business
Choose any characteristics below that apply to you
Are you currently experiencing any of the following problems?
What other problems are you experiencing? (please be specific)
What are the top 2 problems from the previous list that you are experiencing?
Do you have a blog or capture page for people to opt-in?
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If so, what is the link to your blog or website?
How long have you been an entreprenuer?
What do you consider to be your greatest success so far in your business?
What areas do you feel you need the most assistance in?
What is your monthly marketing budget?
What hinders you from having the success that you want?
What is your biggest challenges?
Where do you want to see yourself 1 year from today?
Why do you seek coaching now?
What is most important to you in a coach?
Do you specifically need help getting clarity about your idea?
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If you answered yes about getting clarity on an idea, please explain.
Do you specifically need help identifying, clarifying, or connecting to your ideal target customers?
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If so, please explain.
Do you specifically need help reaching more customers and getting more sales?
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If so, please explain.
Do you specifically need help creating or improving your marketing copy so that it more effectively expresses the benefits your ideal customers will receive? If yes, click all that applies.
If you chose an above option, please explain:
Do you specifically need help setting your price and charging what you’re worth?
Do you specifically need help identifying new ways to generate revenue or diversify yourincome?
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If yes, please explain.
Do you specifically need help staying focused and on task?
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If so, please explain.
Do you specifically need help establishing long-term goals?
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If yes, please explain.
Do you specifically need help creating actionable plans and action steps?
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If so, please explain.
Do you specifically need help getting or staying motivated and avoiding procrastination or lack of follow-through?
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If yes, please explain.
Do you specifically need help shifting your belief systems about yourself, money, your business, competition, or what is possible? If so, please explain.
Do you specifically need help getting beyond limiting beliefs, excuses, doubt, or fear that is sabotaging your success?
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If so, please explain.
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Anything else I should know or anything you would like to share with me?
Une copie de vos réponses sera envoyée par e-mail à l'adresse indiquée.
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