Folsom Gateway Survey
The LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District may have the opportunity to construct a major piece of public art, to serve as a "gateway" to our special SOMA neighborhood.

We have had a number of excellent design submissions, and our Committee has narrowed our choices to four designs, which we refer to as:  Chains, Gloves, Hands, and Obelisks.

Please review the designs on the Web page here:

(A non-interactive snapshot of the images is included below, for convenient reference.)

Then respond to the survey questions below:  
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Finalists (for quick reference only)
Overall Opinion *
Please rate each design on a scale of 1 to 5
1 - I hate it
3 - I feel neutral about it.
5 - I love it.
Comments, more detailed opinions, concerns, etc.
Email Address (optional)
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