Emergency Alert Response System (EARS) Sign Up
The Emergency Alert Response System (EARS) is a medical communications and personal response system ensuring a quick and efficient response to any emergencies that may occur in the home. Assistance is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week year-round. In addition, the program provides social reassurance to relieve isolation and improve the quality of life. EARS is a wearable device that helps you summon emergency assistance when needed. They are commonly worn by elderly or disabled individuals so that help is literally at their fingertips should they fall or experience a life-threatening emergency.

How Does It Work?

When a button is pressed on the unit or pendant, the 24-hour emergency response center is contacted. Within seconds there is a direct voice communication with an operator through the built-in speaker/microphone at which time the user can communicate with the operator. In an event of an emergency, help is immediately dispatched and important medical information is relayed to the paramedics and emergency room personnel to ensure appropriate and timely treatment. In addition, family members or the listed emergency contacts are notified. 

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First Name *
Last Name *
Gender *
Date of Birth *
Race *
Ethnicity *
Address *
City *
Zip Code *
Cell Phone Number *
Secondary Number
Email Address *
English Speaking? *
Primary Language *
Disabled? *
Are you currently receiving Long Term Care services through Medicaid? *
Would you like a lock box? *
Would you like the device shipped to your or installed? *
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