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4 Question Rat Survey - Take 2
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Q1 Do you think rats are a public health crisis in Hoboken?
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Q2 Please describe where you have witnessed a rat infestation?
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Q3 What additional actions do you think the city - including the Bhalla Administration and City Council - should take combat the growing rat problem (check all that apply)?
Better enforcement, not just more, targeting the worst offenders & biggest contributors
Increase inspections of construction sites
Add more closed top (big belly) garbage cans
Create a location map for the community to post where they have seen rats
Require restaurants to compost
Evaluate timing of garbage being put out.
Bring in the dogs trained to kill rats
Tracking the hauling companies’ contributing activities
Launch an information campaign for a community wide plan to combat rats
Remove all open top public garbage cans
Keep outdoor parklets but require regular cleaning underneath
Create neighborhood watch groups to address hot spots
Inform residents of the public health risks that rats bring
Send a mailer to all homes about what they need to do help reduce the number of rats
Remove outdoor parklets
Update laws to require lids on all garbage containers
Require all residents to compost
Increase funding for extermination
Allow city to step in and exterminate when a private property owner won't
Expand garbage pick up, especially for densely populated areas
Increase enforcement
Provide residents with specific closable, rat resistent containers
Q4 On a scale of 1(bad)-5(good), how would you rank Mayor Bhalla's commitment to keeping our city clean and tackling the growing rat issue in Hoboken?
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