Managing Ideas Feedback Quiz
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Have you ever used a mind mapping app before? *
When it comes to brainstorming, what is your single biggest challenge or frustration? *
Please be as detailed and specific as possible.
What is your biggest obstacle to capturing, connecting, or developing your ideas?
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Which of these apps do you use for mind mapping?
Some folks use a combination of tools, but if you had to pick just one as your primary go-to, which would it be?
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Which of these do you use regularly for mind mapping?
Which of the following use cases have you used mind maps for?
How often do you spend time just thinking about creative problems or projects?
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Do you have a place that you regularly create for?
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We are working on a new project related to capturing, connecting, and managing ideas using mind maps. Would you like to stay in the loop about it?
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Would you be willing to possibly receive a call from us to discuss more? If so, leave your cell phone number.
Please provide your cell phone number if you'd be willing to possibly receive a call from us. We will only use this number if we need to contact you regarding this survey. It will not be used or shared for any other purpose whatsoever.
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