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Armed to the Heart Survey
Hey sister!
I need your help! Please fill out the following questions to help shape how I serve you in 2023, and the content I create on the Podcast and beyond.
an't wait to hear from, and learn more about YOU!
I'm always looking to improve what I'm doing to serve you at the highest level, and to collectively raise the standard of care, support, and advocacy efforts for military mamas. Your honest input will allow me to serve you more deeply and specifically.
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As a thank you for your time, everyone who completes this survey by TUES JAN 10th will be
As a busy military mom who's pregnant, postpartum, or raising little ones, when it comes to juggling all the demands, what's the #1 challenge, frustration, or problem you're struggling with right now?
Your answer
If you're navigating pregnancy or postpartum fitness, what is your #1 challenge, frustration, or problem you're struggling with right now? (If you're no longer in this stage, please feel free to share from the perspective of when you were going through this)
Your answer
When it comes to trying to find better work-life balance, what do you want MOST right now? What would be the #1 thing you want to happen with your work-life balance?
Your answer
Why is this important to you? How would this make your life different and/or change how you feel?
Your answer
What's keeping you stuck? What's holding you back from the work-life balance you really want? What are you afraid of? What's worrying, stressing, or weighing on you the most or keeping you up at night?
Your answer
What do you think you need most, or wish you had to help you get through this?
Your answer
When it comes to navigating health & fitness through pregnancy and/or postpartum, what do you want MOST right now? What are the biggest result/(s) you're hoping to achieve?
Your answer
Why is this important to you? How would this make your life different and/or change how you feel?
Your answer
What's keeping you stuck right now? What's your greatest fear, stress, or worry right now? What's holding you back from where you want to be in your health/fitness? What are the things you're googling when you search for solutions?
Your answer
What do you think you need most, or wish you had to help you through this?
Your answer
How do you define success in your career and family life? What would be the biggest breakthrough for you related to fitness through pregnancy/postpartum, work-life balance, or military motherhood as a whole?
Your answer
How many children do you have and what are their ages?
Your answer
How long have you been serving in the military?
Your answer
What branch of service are you in?
Air Force
Marine Corps
Coast Guard
Space Force
Recently transitioned - No longer serving
Are you considering one of my Programs, or 1:1 Coaching? I may have a gift for you. :)
Strong & Resilient Postpartum Holistic Health & Fitness Program
Renew Group Coaching Program for Christ-centered Work-Life Balance
1:1 Coaching
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Please share anything else that's on your mind/heart, any questions, or Podcast topic requests!
Your answer
THANK YOU! I would love to follow up with you if you're the Gift Card winner, or when new resources are available. Feel free to share your email below if you'd like to hear from me!
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