Legalisation of stay – informational meeting online
 18th of May 2020 (Monday), 12 p.m.
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E-mail address / Adres e-mail *
Name / Imię *
Surname / Nazwisko *
Student ID number / Numer legitymacji studenckiej
Country of citizenship / Obywatelstwo *
Faculty at the University of Warsaw / Wydział Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego *
Year of studies / Rok studiów *
Are you a degree-seeking or short term student? / Czy jesteś studentem długoterminowym czy krótkoterminowym? *
Why would you like to participate in our workshops? *
Information about processing of personal data
According to art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data – General Data Protection Regulation (Journal of Laws EU L 119/1 of 4 May 2016), the University of Warsaw informs that:

1. The administrator of personal data:
The administrator of your personal data is the University of Warsaw represented by Rector, based at 26/28 Krakowskie Przedmiescie, 00-927 Warsaw. You can contact with us by choosing one of blanks available on website:
2. Data Protection Officer:
The administrator has appointed a Data Protection Officer supervising the correctness of data processing, who may be contacted via email:;
3. Purpose and legal basis of processing personal data:
Your personal data will be processed for the purpose of organizing a informational meeting online on legalisation of stay in Poland. You can revoke your permission at any moment by mailing to this address:
4. Period of processing your personal data:
Your personal data will be processed for the period of 3 months after the end of the event.
5. Receivers of your personal data:
Your personal data will not be made available to other entities, except for entities authorized under the law. Admissions are held via Google Blanks. Your personal data will be processed by Google, the supplier of the service G-Suite for education. These data are protected according to the policy defined by the Privacy Shield which has been approved
by European Commission. Thanks to that your personal data will be provided with an appropriate level of security.
Your rights related to processing of personal data
6. We do guarantee fulfillment of all your rights arising from General Data Protection Regulation i.e. a right
of access to personal data, rectification of personal data as well as the right to restriction of processing
of personal data.
The right to transfer personal data might only be fulfilled in the case related to Article 165 of Law on Higher
Education, i.e. with regard to will of transferring out from a home university to another university including
foreign university.
7. The obligation of delivering personal data and the consequences of non-delivery of personal data
The obligation of delivering personal data stems from provisions of law.
8. A right of submission of complaints to President of the Office of Personal Data Protection
If you consider that processing of your personal data infringes the regulations of General Data Protection Regulation
you have the right to submit a complaint to the President of the Office of Personal Data Protection.
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