Antonella & Max
31 - 08 - 2024 | Tenuta Riseccoli | Greve in Chianti

Wir freuen uns diesen besonderen Tag mit euch zu feiern!
Non verdiamo l'ora di festeggiare con te questo giorno magico!  
We can't wait to celebrate this magical day with you!

Note: If you have already responded previously and you want to now only add additional information while everything else remains the same, then feel free to just add your name and response to the new questions. No need to fill out all details again :-). Thank you.

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Vorname - Nome - Name *
Nachname - Cognome - Surname *
Wirst du an unserer Hochzeit teilnehmen?
Parteciperai al nostro matrimonio? 
Will you be attending our wedding?
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Bitte teile uns deine Postanschrift mit. 
Per favore, facci sapere il tuo indirizzo di casa. 
Please let us know your postal address.

(e.g Appt. 615, Buckhauserstrasse 45, 8048 Zurich, Switzerland)
Was ist deine ... 
Qual è il tuo .. 
What is your..

E-Mail Address ?
Hast du Allergien oder gibt es sonst etwas bezüglich der Speisen zu beachten? 
Hai qualche restrizione alimentare di cui dovremmo sapere? 
Do you have any food restrictions we should know about?
Aperitif/Abendessen am Freitag | Aperitivo/cena venerdi | Aperitivo/dinner - 30.08.2024

Berücksichtigt mich für die Reservierung.
Prenota anche per me.
Count me in for the reservation.
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Mittagessen am Sonntag | Pranzo di domenica | Sunday Lunch - 01.09.2024

Ich komme zum Mittagessen, am Sonntag, 01.SEP, 12:30 Uhr in La Cantinetta Di Rignana.
Vengo a pranzo domenica 1 settembre, ore 12:30 a La Cantinetta Di Rignana.
I am joining the lunch on Sunday, 1st SEP, 12:30pm at La Cantinetta Di Rignana.
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Vielen Dank! Wir melden uns bald mit mehr Details.
Grazie mille! Ti faremo sapere i dettagli appena possibile. 
Thank you! We will let you know more details shortly.

Antonella & Max
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