Rising 7th Grade Elective Course Selection Form 2023-2024
Below you will select elective courses that interest you for next school year 2023-2024.  Do not select an elective more than once.  Band students will have year-long band and 1 additional elective course.  Non-Band students will have 3 semester elective courses.  You can only sign up for Band 7 if you were in Band 6.  Remember, you will automatically be assigned Health and PE 7.  
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Parent or Guardian Name *
Student Last Name, First Name *
Who does your student identify as their trusted adult in the building at Shelburne?  *
What's 1 thing that helped your child this past school year? How did it help? *
What's 1 thing that made this past school year especially hard for your child? *
What's 1 thing that would help your child to succeed this coming school year? *
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