A-West Esports Participation Contract
In order to participate in any A-West E-Sport activity ALL students must agree to the following terms and conditions. Violations of any of the terms and conditions will result in immediate removal from the current/future competitions and/or the A-West Esports Team
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Email *
Last Name *
First Name *
Student Number *
Student Cell Number *
In Game Name/Tag - No use of vulgarity or profanity allowed.  Any violation will constitute automatic removal from the competition. *
As a student-participant, I will uphold all eligibility requirements. Any failing class will constitute my inability to participate in upcoming practices, games and tournaments. *
As a student-participant, I will emphasize the proper ideals of sportsmanship, ethical conduct and fair play during my participation with A-West E-Sports. *
As a student-participant, I will follow all rules and guidelines governing competition, both in letter and intent while participating with the A-West E-Sports team. *
As a student-participant, I will show self-control at all times, accepting adverse decisions without public display of emotion or dissatisfaction with the officials or judges. I will show respect at all times towards the coaches, fellow players and judges. *
As a student-participant, I will not participate in or condone unfair discriminatory practices against a fellow participant due to age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or disability, nor shall the student be discriminated against under the same criteria. *
As a student-participant, I will refrain from the use of profanity or inappropriate gestures while participating or spectating during practice, game or tournament for A-West Esports.  Violation may result in forfeiture of games and participation in future competitions. *
As a student-participant, I am an A-West/Jeffco high school and will abide to all of the rules and standards of the Jeffco schools Code of Conduct. *
I will attend all practices, both in building and out of building.  Failure to attend designated practices may result loss in ability to participate in competitions. Failure to inform coaches of your non-attendance of a practice will result in removal from the next competition. *
By placing my initials below I agree to all of the above standards and decisions above. *
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