SafePal Currency Listing Application
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Dear user,

Welcome to propose your favourite coin and make it added in SafePal hardware wallet!
Each month we will enlist 1-2 coin/token proposed by most users in this survey. Results will be announced on the first day of each month(e.g. Oct 1st).

SafePal is built for the masses, and YOU are the person to decide which token/coin to add in SafePal wallet.

Use your right and propose new coin/token right now!

Any question? Welcome to reach out to us at

You ready? Let's begin!
Please be noted that the support priority will solely depend on the estimation of SafePal development team. Kindly understand that we cannot provide any concrete timeline for now. *
Please enter your full Name *
Name of the currency *
e.g. Tron(TRX), Ripple(XRP)
Link to token) *
Link to Github
Other suggestion or feedback
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