Businesses Benefits - TEP Survey
We want to hear your feedback, advice and opinions on our proposed environmental projects along The Tyne Estuary. The Tyne Estuary has unnatural hard, steep, or vertical banks, which reduce habitat and biodiversity preventing nature from thriving along the estuary. The Tyne Estuary Partnership (TEP) aims to deliver improvements to the local area that will protect and restore our lost natural environment. A brief overview of these projects can be viewed with the attachment sent alongside this survey.

It is anticipated that these interventions improvements will bring added benefits and therefore we want to know how they would be advantageous to you and your business. We want to understand how the Tyne is useful for your business as well as how we can work together to help you realise the economic opportunities they will bring.

By answering this survey, we will also be able to identify whom we have consulted with and where they are based. This will be used to demonstrate the local needs in several grant applications to fund these improvements.

We value your answers and strive to use these so we can understand how our projects will be advantageous to your business.
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What is your business/company name?
What is the postcode of your business? *
What would encourage people to visit the Tyne? *
Do you think that our proposed projects will increase footfall along the Tyne Estuary ? *
Do you think the project will have a direct benefit on the revenue your business brings in/add value ? *
Do you think your employees will benefit from TEP and our projects ? *
If so how?
Do you think your business could help the TEP make an impact on the environment ? *
If so, how ?
Do you think the projects will aid towards your corporate social responsibility and the aim to become carbon neutral ? *
If yes how much will this aid you in achieving these goals? *
Not very much
A lot
Do you think our project will have a positive or negative impact on your business ? *
Why did you think this ?
How can the TEP and it projects aid your company further ? *
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