New Hope Pet Rescue CAT Adoption Application
Complete this if you are interested in adopting a cat or kitten through New Hope Pet Rescue in Syracuse, Indiana.
Please note incomplete applications will not be processed. New Hope does not hold animals during the application process. In the event that more than one approved applicant is interested in the same animal, New Hope Pet Rescue will place the animal in the home determined most suitable.
Email *
Date : 
Name of cat you are interested in:
Address (including city, state & zip) *
Your First, Last name & phone number: *
To help us understand your preferences: What do you want in a cat?  (size, age, temperament, gender, behavior, personality traits)   *
Other pets: Please tell us about your current pets or other pets that you have had in the last 5 years. (name - species - sex/age - spayed or neutered? - current on vaccines *
Do you have your cat tested for feline leukemia and FIV? *
Do you want an indoor cat or outdoor cat? *
Will you agree to have your cat(s) current on vaccinations & flea control? *
Do you mind if someone from the rescue calls or visits as a follow-up to the adoption? *
Do you rent or own and how long have you lived at this address? *
If you rent please include your landlord's name and phone number for verification.  
If you had to move and could not take your cat with you what would you do? *
Does anyone in your family have allergies to pet hair? *
Name and phone number of your veterinarian:  * Please call your vet at the time of application submission, giving permission for us to inquire about your current or past pet care. *
Please list 2 references that can attest to your stability as a pet owner (Name, address, current working phone number) *
How would you handle it if your cat suddenly decides that your furniture was its new scratching post? *
How would you handle a situation where your cat suddenly develops inappropriate potty habits? *
You understand that you will be sharing your life with a cat for the next approx. 15 years. This cat is going to be totally dependent on you for food, shelter, health and yearly veterinary care. Are you willing to make the long-term commitment to a cat as a family member?* *
Photo Consent: Do you grant permission to New Hope Pet Rescue for the use of photograph(s) or electronic media images as identified below of any and all kind whatsoever. I understand that I may revoke this authorization at any time by notifying Angie Wright in writing. The revocation will not affect any actions taken before the receipt of this written notification. Images will be stored in a secure location and only authorized staff will have access to them.  They will be kept as long as they are relevant and after that time destroyed or archived.
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