Environment (Earth), Justice and Ecotherapy (EJET) - Community Interest Form
Hello! The Environment (Earth), Justice and Ecotherapy (EJET) community group seeks to promote awareness, engagement, and action around ecotherapy practices and environmental/Earth justice issues. We gather together, facilitate workshops, host speakers on resonant topics, and attend relevant community events. We invite creative ways of exploring deep connection with nature (the environment, Earth, our inner and outer landscapes, elements, animals, human and beyond human).

If you are interested or active in these areas in any way, please complete this form. We are student-led with the intention of bringing together an interdisciplinary, intergenerational, and multicultural group. We will gather interest and listen to what is present (or missing) to guide the focus of the organization, and will send a follow-up email mid-September with more details about upcoming gatherings. 

"Body is our first environment," writes Andrea Olsen. "It is the medium through which we know the earth." 

With gratitude, 
Briana, Nat, and Carter

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Name *
Email Address *
Why are you interested in Environment (Earth, Nature, Ecology), Justice, and Ecotherapy? What are you hoping for or dreaming up from participating in EJET?  *
Do you identify as any of these (check all that apply)?  *
Are you interested in meeting in-person with EJET?  *
If you want to meet in-person, do any of these times seem potentially open in your week?
What are you bringing with you to EJET? In other words, are there any practices, skills, creative talents, offerings, stories, crafts, connections, intersections, dialogue topics, or ideas that you want to share with others in the community?
Do you have any accessibility needs or is there anything you want to share with the organizers to be aware of (native language, identities, locations, cultures, joys, fears)?
Do you have any questions or suggestions? 
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