WAYSPIRE! Online Training & Internship Program with Microsoft & Tryst, IIT Delhi
We Bring you with our exclusive Internship program Co-Branding with Tryst (IIT-Delhi). An Industrial Based Oriented Program with the  Premium Online Internship + Training and Certification Program along with Top Tier Organization and Raise yourself as per the Recent Industry Standards

● Get trained by industrial experts as well as an opportunity to work directly on LIVE Projects to get yourself industry ready
● Learn latest technologies and Complete training from SCRATCH to INTERMEDIATE to frame you as PI-SHAPED PROFESSIONALS.
● Earn industry recognized certifications co-branded with our Partnering Organization

Q: What this Training + Internship program offers?
-->Exclusive Online Learning on Google meet platform from the certified Industrial Trainers.(5 to 7 years experience)
-->Capstone projects  from our partnered companies.
-->LMS Portal access for the students(1 - year)
-->Letter of Recommendation for Placement Reference and Higher studies.
-->Post successful completion the students shall receive certification of completion , along with Internship completion certificate.
Visit our Website: https://wayspire.in/
Visit our LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/wayspire/
Visit our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wayspire.in/

To know more about the program and fee structure fill the form.
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From which month you want to start your Training + Internship program? *
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Suggest 3 to 5 Friends name + mobile no. for your Major Group Project.
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