Application for The Academies @ NMHS  Deadline extended to: October 31, 2023                           (Freshmen only)                                             
This form is for current 9th grade students who would like to join the Academies.
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Email *
The successful Academies Student exhibits evidence of a sound work ethic, possesses a record of exemplary conduct, demonstrates regular attendance, and expresses a willingness to immerse oneself in a concentrated course of study. *
Last Name *
First Name *
School email *
Home Address *
Intended Designation (Please choose only one) *
Please tell us WHY you want to be part of the Academies@NMHS? *
Please provide your answer below.  100-200  words are sufficient.  
In a few sentences please describe some things you are most proud of, some recent challenges you have encountered, and some unexpected things that changed your path for the better. *
Please provide your answer below.  100-300 words are sufficient.
As an academy member, you will need to complete work independently, including the reading of assigned books.  You will also have the privilege of leaving the school for trips and outside events.  Please tell us the names of TWO teachers who can verify that you are an independent worker, one who consistently completes assigned work, and a responsible student who will represent the school well.   List your teachers names below: *
Academy Grading Policy & Senior Capstone Requirement
Please read the Academy Grading Policy and click the box below indicating you acknowledge the policy and accept it.

Grading Policy:
All assignments are expected to be turned in on or before the due date.

Missing/Incomplete Work:
If there is incomplete, missing  or late work within a grading quarter, at the end of that quarter the student may be placed on Academy Academic Probation for the following marking period.  

A student on Academy Academic Probation will have one marking period to correct the matter.  If it is not corrected the student may face being dropped from the Academy program.

*If you have an extenuating circumstance please speak to your adviser in PERSON before the due date, so arrangements can be made to help you succeed.

Capstone Project:   12th Grade Requirement
Your task is to create a multi-media, video presentation in a digital format of your choice. Presentations are to be reflective of your personal high school journey.  The digital presentation should be a minimum of 3 minutes long but not more than 5 minutes.

I have read the grading policy and Capstone required project.   *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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