SPP Indicator 3– Statewide Assessments
Indicator Description: 

Measures performance of students with disabilities on statewide assessments, including participation rates, performance rates, and gaps in performance compared to their peers. Data is monitored and reported for grades 4, 8, and 11 and is calculated separately for English Language Arts (ELA) and Math.

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SPP/APR Indicator Information & Feedback Opportunity
The California Department of Education (CDE) would like to receive feedback and input on the targets and improvement strategies to improve educational and functional outcomes for our students with disabilities.

In partnership with System Improvement Leads and the Seeds of Partnership, SPP Indicator summary handouts have been developed to broaden knowledge and awareness of the indicators and offer educational partners, parents, and community members opportunity for engagement on the State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) indicators.
  1. Review each SPP Indicator Summary Handout and related video.
  2. Provide your input and comments through this Feedback Form for this specific indicator.
To access all of the SPP Indicator handouts and forms visit SPP/APR Information and Feedback (Seeds of Partnership website)

Your input and feedback are valuable, and we look forward to hearing from you!

Note: Demographic information (role, race/ethnicity, County, etc.) is collected to capture broad parent, educational, and community partner involvement.
What is your primary role as it relates to input on the SPP Indicators? (select one)
What is your race/ethnicity? (select one)
In what County in California do you reside?
Your Input/Feedback Indicator 3 - Statewide Assessments: Review the SPPI Summary Series Handout and additional materials and provide your feedback on the indicator and the progress.

Are the indicator targets achievable, too rigorous, or not rigorous enough? Are they appropriate, or do they need to be revised? Please explain.
Improvement Strategies: Please provide any suggestions on activities or strategies that may help to reach or exceed the target.
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