CSSO Mentor Program
Congratulations on your appointment as a new CSSO and your interest in participating in the CSSO Association's mentoring program! The CSSO Mentor Program is a statewide, year-long learning opportunity that provides an invaluable personal and professional development experience for new CSSO’s. Program participants are new CSSO’s (within 0-3 years of appointment) who can request a CSSO mentor through this interest application process.
The CSSO Mentor Program is free for all CSSO Association members. To participate in the CSSO Mentor Program, please complete the information below. This information you provide below will help us match your CSSO mentor and will help identify the areas where you would like support.

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Your Name:
Your College:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
How long have you been a CSSO?
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What topics below are of interest to you in your role as a new CSSO? Please feel free to select more than one topic.
How would you describe your college? Please select all that apply
Please use the space below to share any background about yourself that you think would be helpful for your CSSO mentor to know...
Thank you!
Thank you for your interest in the CSSO Mentor Program. We will get back to you soon with information on next steps and to connect you with your CSSO mentor. If you have any questions about this program, please feel free to email: cssoassociation@gmail.com.
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