How Well Do YOU Know Food Groups?
This quiz is designed to help you assess how well you know which falls fall into each of the 3 main food groups, i.e, macronutrients. Understanding this important concept will get you one step closer to applying the skillset you need to balance your blood sugar levels without cutting out any foods. To learn more, check out the full blog:
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First off — Select the 3 main food groups (AKA macronutrients)? *
6 pontos
What's your favorite carb? (there's no right answer) *
0 pontos
What food group do potatoes fall into? *
2 pontos
Which of the following does NOT fall into both fat and protein categories? *
2 pontos
Which of the following is NOT a carbohydrate? *
2 pontos
Which of the following contains both carbohydrates AND protein? *
2 pontos
Which of the following is NOT an adequate protein source? *
2 pontos
Where do fruits belong? *
2 pontos
Select all carbs lower in fiber *
4 pontos
Which of the following is NOT a fiber-rich carbohydrate? *
0 pontos
Which of the following is NOT a fat source? *
0 pontos
Select all starchy vegetables: *
4 pontos
Select all NON-starchy vegetables *
4 pontos
Which of the following is NOT a protein source? *
2 pontos
Which of the following is NOT a fat source? *
2 pontos
Which food group does fiber belong to?
2 pontos
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BEFORE YOU GO: Please answer this question to help make A Happy AOneC more helpful to you: What prediabetes topic would YOU like to learn more about? The more specific, the better! :) *
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