Attention Silver Lake Friends and Past Staff! Help us reconnect with long lost Silver Lakers and also confirm your own contact info! (5-10 minutes max! You can skip questions if you wish!)
Silver Lake Mennonite Camp is working on an exciting and very important data gathering project! And we need your help!

Our main goal is to reconnect with those Silver Lakers and Past Staff who we may have lost touch with over the years. We are also building a "Staff Alumni" list, so we need your help to track down some of your camp friends! With Silver Lake's 60th Anniversary coming up in 2021, we want to be able to reach as many people as possible. Plans are in the works to celebrate this milestone with some fun opportunities like story/memory sharing, submitting photos, fundraising campaigns, and much more!

After you complete the form, please forward the link to anyone you know who has been involved with Silver Lake in the past. This could be staff, volunteers, past Board members, people in your family, etc... Tell them it will be a fun trip down memory lane!

This form is intended to be filled out by each adult member from your household who has a connection to Silver Lake. Please fill out this form even if you receive regular communications from Silver Lake - you may help us to fill in some missing gaps as well as confirm your own contact info!
Note: Your personal info will not be shared with others and we will not add new people to a mailing list without their consent.
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Email *
Your Last Name (include in brackets any previous last/maiden name used at camp) *
Your First Name *
Mailing Address (plus postal code!)
Phone number (optional)
How have you been involved at Silver Lake? Choose all that apply to you!
What years approximately were you on staff? Name the decade if you can't remember! Or years in another role? List separately.
Name everyone you can think of who was on staff with you during that time! Or even a few! (Or on the Board with you, etc...) List separately.
If you went through the CILT program, who were your CILT leaders? Who else was in your CILT group?
List any family members who were also on camp staff at some point. Your parents? Your siblings? Your spouse? We would especially love to connect with staff from the 60's, 70's, 80's, and every decade!
What is your Year of Birth? (This helps us to pinpoint what Silver Lake era you were from!)
Please add me to the "Friends of Silver Lake" list to receive email updates from camp! (There is only one paper mailing per year and that's the Woodbox newsletter.)  OR... I think I am already a Friend of SLMC, but be sure to keep me on this list! *
If you have a spouse or partner who is also a Friend of Silver Lake, please included their name here. (They should also fill out this form, but it will help us make sure you are listed in the same household to avoid duplicate mailings.)
If you are currently connected to a church community, write church name below. (Completely optional, but this helps us communicate with churches about events, summer camp schedules, etc…)
Don't forget to follow Silver Lake on Facebook and Instagram as we are using these platforms more and more to communicate about camp events! Feel free to add any further comments about ways we can connect with you. **And please send this form to all of your camp friends and family! We can't wait to reconnect!**
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