Newburgh Village Public Hall Climate Change Questionnaire
The Newburgh Village Hall Committee is working hard to ensure our Village Hall is fit for purpose for the future, for the benefit of everyone in our community. We would really appreciate if you could take a couple of minutes to fill out this short questionnaire. The results may help us in our bid to secure funding in the future from the Climate Challenge Fund, so we can complete the hall refurbishment. Thank you!
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Are you in support of the Newburgh Village Public Hall refurbishment project?
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Do you think reducing CO2 emissions should be a major consideration in the hall refurbishment project?
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On a scale of 1-5, how interested are you in actively tackling the issue of climate change?
Not Interested
Very Interested
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Would you be interested in learning more about the issue of climate change, perhaps through a programme of talks/workshops in the Public Hall?
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