Boards & Bites Order Form
Please place order 72 hours before your event. 
Please submit 50% deposit to secure your board and date on our calendar. Deposit will be kept if order is cancelled within 24 hours of your reserved date. After your order is placed, you will be contacted within 24 hours to confirm your order. 
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Are there any allergies we should be aware of? 
Board Size and Style? *
Ingredients:  *
For Hard Wood Boards Do You Want Themed Dishes? 
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Name (First and Last) *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Pick Up or Delivery *
Please place your order a minimum of 72 hours in advance. Date of your event:  *
Time Needed: 
Boards & Bites takes food safety very seriously and I have my food handler's license. While dietary restrictions can be honored, we cannot guarantee there has not been cross contamination with common food allergens (gluten, dairy, nuts, etc.) Please consume your board within 24 hours for optimal freshness and discard any perishable food that has been at room temperature for more than 4 hours. The client is responsible for proper care/refrigeration upon pick up/delivery of the order. I, the client, have read, acknowledge, and understand this food safety statement.  *
Payment Options: *
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