Kearney Award 2025
The Kearney Award is a prestigious award which recognises outstanding contribution to pharmacy in the last 12 months, and is given in honour of the Late David and Joyce Kearney who went above and beyond for the profession.

Please fill out this form by including the details of the person you are nominating. This can be anyone who is eligible to be a BPSA member.

Deadline for the nominations is Friday 21st March 23:59pm.

If more information is required, we will be in contact with you using the email provided. All personal contact details will be removed following the presentation of the award which will be at the BPSA Awards Night.
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Email *
Name of Nominee *
School of Pharmacy of Nominee *
Year of study of Nominee (# Year/Graduate) *
Mobile number/email of Nominee *
Please detail why you believe this nominee has made an outstanding contribution to pharmacy and why they should receive this award: *
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