NCP1918 Y5- Y8 continuity work group

Three day-long face-to-face workshop sessions on the following dates:
Day 1: Wednesday 11 December 2019, Portland Conference Centre, Birchover Road, NG8 4BW
Day 2: Wednesday 29 January 2020, venue tbc
Day 3: Tuesday 28 April 2020, venue tbc

Venue: TBC

Cost:  Free to participate

Teachers from different phases will work together in this Work Group, to improve communication between Key Stages 2 and 3. They will have the overall aim of improving continuity of learning by pupils in the four years between Years 5 and 8. Participants in this project will take an aspect of the mathematics curriculum or a pedagogical approach as the focus for their work on multiplicative reasoning and will develop a consistent approach to it through discussion, joint lesson design and delivery, observation and the development of documentation to support continuity.

Who is it for?
This project is for KS3 secondary maths teachers and KS2 primary teachers. Each Work Group will ideally consist of pairs of teachers, from linked, or neighbouring, primary and secondary schools, working together to develop a shared understanding of the teaching that gives the best chance of pupils progressing steadily in their mathematical understanding between Years 5 and 8.

What is involved?
Work Groups will meet three times during the year, with participants engaging in gap tasks at their own schools between each meeting. Meetings and gap tasks may include shared observation, lesson study, collaborative planning using shared models and representations, production of shared progression documents. The Work Groups will be using multiplicative reasoning as a vehicle for exploring curriculum and pedagogical continuity.

Intended outcomes
Participant teachers will gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of progression in mathematical learning between Years 5 and 8, and, in parallel, a clearer understanding of the teaching approaches and pupil experiences that best serve that purpose, particularly in the ‘other’ school phase
Participant teachers will further their experience and understanding of how consistent use of resources, representations and structures can be used to help pupils develop sound mathematical understanding
Teachers will develop shared approaches to planning and delivery of the mathematics curriculum across KS2 and KS3

The wider context
Collectively, the network of Maths Hubs across England work on projects around national maths education priority areas. One of those priorities centres on primary pupils, within a teaching for mastery context, developing the deep knowledge and understanding they need to be fully prepared for the secondary mathematics curriculum. Another priority centres on the development of teaching for mastery in secondary schools. This Work Group addresses both these priorities.
Each Maths Hub participating in a national project runs a local Work Group, where teachers come together over a period of time to work on areas defined by the project. All Work Groups are subject to a common evaluation process, which collectively provides a body of evidence on the project’s outcomes. So, your participation in this Work Group will contribute to your own professional leaning, and that of your school colleagues, as well as making a contribution to the improvement of maths education at a national level.

Expectations of participants and their schools
Schools will need to commit to the release of the same nominated teacher(s) for all face-to-face workshops and to support them in the gap tasks.
Meeting time should be provided for the nominated teacher(s) to share with their wider department the new, useful learning and ideas arising from attending the work group
The department will also support the participating teachers to summarise the impact of their workgroup participation as part of the professional development and Work Group evaluation.

Who is leading the work group
Dr Marc North - Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Research in Mathematics Education at the University of Nottingham
Christine Robinson, East Midlands West Maths Hub Lead

Funding: The programme will be fully funded through the East Midlands West Maths Hub, however there is an expectation that participants fully engage.  Non-attendance at the face to face dates will constitute a charge.

Please complete the form below to request a place.

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Email Address of participant *
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Further information
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