Student Careers Feedback
We are keen to hear your feedback about how well we have helped you to prepare for their next steps into post 16 and 18 education or training. We would appreciate it if you could spare 5 minutes to complete the following questionnaire.
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I am a *
I know the job/career I want to do when I leave full time education e.g. doctor, teacher, mechanic etc. *
If you agreed with the previous question, please indicate the job/career.
I know the industry I want to move into when I leave full time education e.g. medicine, sports, finance etc. *
If you agreed with the previous question, please indicate the industry.
I know what options are available to me when I finish my GCSEs *
I know what qualifications I need in order to do the career I want to do *
I know where to go in school to find information about my future career *
I know how local labour market information can help influence my career plans *
I am satisfied with the career guidance I am given at Croxley Danes School *
Please indicate which of the following post 16 options you have considered
In what ways could we improve our careers education and the advice we offer?
Data protection statement: I consent to having my submitted information stored so that my request may be processed *
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