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2024 Nor Cal RC Monster Trucks Survey
We're always looking for ways to improve the Nor Cal RC Monster Trucks events and want to know what you enjoyed and what you may want to see changed. Please be as specific and detailed as possible in your responses. This can be done anonymously however if you have ideas for changes to rules or other ideas, please include your name so it can be discussed with you more if needed. Thanks for making 2024 the best year to date and we look forward to seeing you in 2025!
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* Indicates required question
How many events did you attend during the 2024 season?
All of them
Most of them
Only a few
Only the Showdown
Do you plan on attending our events again next year?
If you do not plan on racing next year, what is the reason(s)?
Your answer
What was your favorite track layout this year?
Round 1 "Modified Nashville Track"-Rescue
Round 2 "S Track"-Rescue
Round 3 "Straight Line Drags"-Rescue
Round 4 "Over/Under"-Chico
Round 5 "Vegas J Hook"-Rescue
Are there any class or competition rules you would like to see changed? Please be as detailed as possible about what it is
and what you want it changed to
Your answer
Would you like freestyle added to the Challenger Class?
What raffle prizes do you enjoy or would like to see in the future?
Your answer
Any other thoughts, ideas, or feedback? This can be track ideas, event production elements, social media content, or anything else that hasn't been addressed above
Your answer
Your answer
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