Udruga Pivara Istre i Kvarnera Vas poziva na prvi festival kućnih pivara na području Istre!Pridružite nam se na dodjeli nagrada za natjecanje kućnih pivara u kuhanju pivskog stila kölsch gdje ćete moći kušati neograničene količine kućnog i craft piva. Osigurajte svoju ulaznicu na vrijeme jer je broj posjetitelja ograničen!
Caffe bar La Resistance
Emova 1
12.04. (subota) ulaz od 15 sati
Što nudimo?
Neograničenu konzumaciju piva, jedan besplatan obrok, zabavne igre i muziku
Kako osigurati festivalsku čašu?
Ispunite ovaj obrazac i uplatite donaciju od 30 € na račun udruge (upute dolaze na mail nakon ispunjavanja obrasca)
Brewers of Istria and Kvarner Association invites you to the first homebrewing festival in the Istrian region!
Join us at the awards ceremony for the homebrewers' competition in brewing kölsch style beer where you will be able to taste unlimited quantities of homebrew and craft beer. Secure your ticket in time because the number of visitors is limited!
Caffe bar La Resistance
Emova 1
12th April (Saturday) doors open at 3 pm
What do we offer?
Unlimited beer consumption, one free meal, fun games and music
How to secure a festival glass?
Fill out this form and make a donation of 30 € to the association's account (instructions will be sent to your email after filling out the form)