Gluttony Feedback
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How long have you played the demo *
Which "part" of the demo did you stop at? *
Did you complete the demo (reached "True Ending" Score of 50)? *
What, if anything, stopped you from progressing in the demo?
How difficult is the demo?
Too easy
Too difficult
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What did you enjoy about the demo? (select all that apply)
What did you enjoy MOST about the demo? (choose one)
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What did you NOT enjoy about the demo? (choose all that apply)
Which of the side quests did you find?
Which of the side quests did you finish?
Which side quest, if any, were your favorite, and why?
Which side quest, if any, were your least favorite, and why?
If you did not finish a side quest, why not? (select all that apply)
How do you feel about the "Gluttony" mechanic?  (Eating enemy parts to learn their abilities.  Choose all options that apply)
What did you like and/or not like about the Gluttony mechanic?  Why?
Overall, how would you rate the writing (story, characters, dialogue, etc.)
Hated it
Loved it
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What did you like and/or dislike about the writing (story, characters, dialogue, etc.)
Additional Feedback
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