2023-2024 PS 154 After School Club Drop Form
PS 154 After School runs three enrichment club sessions per year: Fall, Winter, and Spring. Please use your Amilia SmartRec account to register for clubs during our open registration period. Spring 2024 registration period was from 3/1 - 3/11.  Starting 3/12/24 if you would like to drop a club for your child, please use this form. 
  • Please request only one club drop per form. Feel free to submit multiple forms if needed.
  •  No requests are complete until you receive a confirmation email from the PS 154 After School Staff. 
  • Thank you for your patience as we process requests in the order they are received. 
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Your Name *
Your Email *
Child's Name *
Child's Grade and Classroom *
Day of Change *
I would like to drop a Spring 2024 SESSION club for my child. I understand that I can make changes free of charge via the Amilia SmartRec app through March 11th. After that, I will lose a percentage of the club tuition depending on when I submit this request:
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Name of the club you would like to drop
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