Bounty Payout Form
Because it's taken nearly one year to develop The Standard, we want to ensure people get The Standard Tokens (TST) to an address they own.
Some people contacted me and said they don't have access to the address they originally registered with, so this form is to update our database.

NOTE: The bitcoin talk username and email you registered have to match. Otherwise, we will not update your ETH or POLYGON address.

If you do not fill in this form, we will send the bounty to the original ETH address that was registered.
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Spreadsheets and Other Links 
Campaigns Links 
Signature Campain 1.0 | Bounty Period was July 27, 2021, to Aug 09, 2021
Signature Campain 2.0 | Bounty Period was Aug 10, 2021, to Aug 23, 2021
Signature Campain 3.0 | Bounty Period was Dec 10, 2021, to Dec 18, 2021

Spreadsheet Links
You can check the email addresses that you used in the following sheets.

Signature Campain 1.0
Signature Campain 2.0
Signature Campain 3.0 forum username *
The email you used for this bounty (The one we emailed you at) [Forget the email? See above Spreadsheets ] *
Chain you would like to be payed out in *

Confirm if your ETH wallet address is correct in the spreadsheets? [See above Spreadsheets]


Is your ETH wallet address compatible with Polygon chain?

Thanks! We are really excited about what we have been building.
Building the ultimate stablecoin protocol takes time. When I said in 2019 that some algo stablecoin protocol like LUNA was going to get big and fail, I didn't think it would be as big as it did. Anyway it definitely lets us know that The Standard Over-collateralised Stablecoin Protocol is needed.

Please join our Discord and or telegram because we will have a bunch of bounties coming up, so you can stack up before we launch. Please help the cause by telling your friends about this opportunity.

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