DBT Skills Group for Teens- May 6, 2021 Parker
What:  Teen Group- DBT Skills
Starts: May 6- June 10, 2021
When: Thursdays 6-7pm
Where: Parker office, 10495 S. Progress Way, Suite 206,
Who: Ages 13-17

Led by Meghan Olson, LSW

Limited to 8 participants.
(6 week session, participants will need to attend all 6 weeks; contact us if you have a special circumstance and need to miss a session)

DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) is an effective treatment for those who have difficulty controlling their emotions and behaviors.   This group will help teens to replace problem behaviors with positive skills and help teens learn how to experience a range of emotions without necessarily acting on those emotions. Your teen can also expect to learn how to navigate relationships in their environment and create a life worth living.

Skills to gain in this group:
-Awareness of what you are feeling, why you get upset or what your goals are
-Attention and focus
-Emotional regulation
-Navigating and preventing fast and intense mood changes and mood dependent behaviors
-Coping strategies to handle changing moods
-Distress tolerance
-Handling emotional experiences
-Thinking through choices
-Interpersonal effectiveness
-How to handle challenging situations with others at school, home, and work
-Creating lasting friendships
-Walking the middle paths
-Becoming more flexible to bend instead of breaking
-Handling family conflict
-Becoming a positive influence

IF your teen:
*Is confused about what they are feeling or thinking

*Is unsure about their goals

*Struggles with mood changes with little control

*Has mood dependent behaviors and does not know how to handle it

*Acts without thinking it all through

*Escapes or avoids emotional experiences

*Has a pattern of difficulty keeping relationships and friendships

*Struggles with self respect

*Feels lonely

*Has an absence of flexibility

*Is unable to navigate family conflict

*Has extreme behaviors (drinking, smoking, stealing, extreme risk taking)

This is THE group for them!

Register now!

Cost: $300 out of pocket (charged upfront for the full 6 weeks), or we are in network with Tricare, Anthem, Aetna (copay, coinsurance, and deductible will apply).

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Parent/s Name/s
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Main goal for attending this group?
What topics are most important for you to have covered during these 6 weeks?
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