Adult Crossing Guard - Norquay 2024/25
The safety of our children getting to and from school is critical and we invite you to join us for a parent-run Adult Crossing Guard program for Slocan and Duchess Street. 

You can help by volunteering as few as 30 minutes per week or every other week. 

This PAC initiative is a big project that requires a lot of helping hands. We need at least 20 adults committing to 1x/week to share the work load to run a successful program. We thank you for your participation! 

VPD training will be scheduled - Date TBD or be trained by a fellow guard who has already received VPD training.

Schedule of Crossing guards will be available through the Whatsapp group chat link: 

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This form is to gather information of adults who are willing to be involved. 

All parents who sign up will receive group training from the VPD or a fellow crossing guard who has received training at the school, sign an annual risk acknowledgment form, and be provided with vests/stop paddles for visibility. Cone placements will be on Duchess street. 
Name (First & Last)
Mobile Number
Child(ren)'s Grade & Division(s)
I can help/commit to: 
MORNING: I am available on the following day(s) of the week:
AFTERNOON: I am available on the following day(s) of the week:
Any additional comments or questions
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