Region D Regional Housing Partnership Feedback Survey (Fall 2024)
We are seeking feedback about the Regional Housing Partnership/Plan (RHP). Specifically we want to get feedback on the ways we can better engage with you as a stakeholder to be a part of all the actions related to the Regional Housing Partnership for Region D. We also want to hear what is missing from the plan. Your feedback is appreciated!  

Please note the following: The full RHP for Region D has NINE goals and #33 strategies. To report the progress on our plan to MSHDA, we prioritized FOUR goals for our region. If you have any feedback on any of the goals or these top four goals, please share it with us in this survey or email
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
How can the Regional Housing Partnership better support your needs on educational opportunities and communications? What resources are missing that you wish you had?
What education opportunities on housing do you wish you had?
If you selected "Other", please describe the education opportunity.
How do you want to stay connected to Regional Housing Partnership activities
If you selected "Other", please describe how you want to stay connected here.
To implement the plan, we've put together a steering committee with working groups leading each priority area. To date, 86 organizations representing 20 different sectors are participating in the Regional Housing Partnership. If you are part of any of these groups or stakeholders, please select which ones in the list below.   *
If you selected "Other", please list what type or group or stakeholder you are part of.
What Stakeholders are missing from the RHP? Please list below. 
If there are stakeholders missing, how do you recommend we meaningfully engage with them? Please list below. 
Based on this overview of the plan, priority areas and goals, what is missing? What Needs to be more specific? Click here to see the full plan. 
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Here is a link to a proposed community agreement for participation in the RHP. We need your input and participation on the implementation of our Regional Plan. To do that, please let us know if you agree to represent any of the roles below. Click all that apply.
If you selected "Other", please describe the role below.
If you agreed to be part of any of the options below, please make sure we have your contact information: 
Below is the process for our working group meetings and reporting our progress to MSHDA on the RHP. What do you like or dislike about this process? Is there anything missing?
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Do you have any feedback to share on the process of the Regional Housing Partnership Lead? If so, please share below:
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Is there any other feedback or suggestion you'd like to share with us?
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