Survey on Electric Charging and Commuting with Marine Vessels
We are two Master`s students of Chalmers University of Technology conducting a study on electric charging of marine vessels used for public transportations, and you can help designing the future of marine transportation!

If you choose to provide personal information, you consent to having it stored for up to 90 days, after which it will be removed. Written answers can be in either English or Swedish.
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Which country and city do you live in?
What is your view on electric charging in the infrastructure of society?
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What is your view on electricity in a marine context (e.g. electricity close to bodies of water)?
How frequently do you use electric ferries as a mode of transportation?
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Have you ever observed or experienced the charging process of electric boats or ferries while being a passenger?
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If you have witnessed a safety incident or near-miss related to the charging of electric ferries, please describe the situation briefly.

Have you ever felt uncomfortable or unsafe while being near the charging area of an electric boat?

Do you think you would feel safe waiting onboard a ferry while it is charging?

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How concerned are you about the safety aspects related to charging electric ferries at stops?
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Do you have any thoughts on what these safety aspects might include?
What safety measures do you think should be in place at ferry stops during the charging process? (Select all that apply)
What makes you feel safe in a context where you might feel unsure?

How important is it for you to have clear communication and instructions regarding safety procedures during the charging process?

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In your opinion, what role should ferry operators, local authorities, and regulatory bodies play in ensuring the safety of passengers during the charging process of electric ferries?

How would you rate your current experience at bus and train stops?

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Do you have any suggestions on improvements for bus and train stops?

In case you need to wait for the ferry to finish charging, what would you like to see at the stop to improve your experience?

Would you be interested in participating in a creative workshop surrounding this subject? please write your email (will be deleted after 90 days):
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