200 hour YTT Application 2024/25
This is your first step in applying for Balance Health Studio 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training, beginning in August 2024! We would love to get to know you. Details are welcome
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Email *
Full name *
Date of Birth *
Phone number *
Address: Street / City / State / ZIP *
How long have you been practicing yoga? *
Where do you practice?
Have you practiced yoga at Balance Health Studio? *
If yes, with what instructors do you practice with at the studio?
What practice styles are you familiar with?
What style is your favorite?
Do you have a meditation or a pranayama (breathwork) practice?
If yes, please explain:
Why do you practice yoga?
Do you teach yoga? 
If yes, where do you teach?
What style do you teach?
Please list teachers with whom you have studied
What are you reasons for applying for this teacher training?
Do you intend to teach in the future?
List three things you would like to gain from this program:
In what areas do you struggle in your practice?
In what areas do you find ease in your practice?
Please explain your willingness to be fully committed and attend 100% of the training:
What is your occupation?
How did you find out about our training?
Do you have any injuries or health conditions that may limit your participation?
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If yes, please explain:
Are you taking any medications?
If yes, please list:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about yourself?
By submitting this application, I agree I am physically and emotionally fit to complete this course of study. If I am accepted and admitted to the program, I agree that throughout the course of the program I will treat the space, other students, instructors and clients at Balance Health Studio with respect. I will respect all personal information shared within the training as confidential.
To agree, please type your full name and today's date: *
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