Adult Service/Chaperone Interest Form
This form should be filled out by adults (18 or older and graduated from high school) who are interested in serving as a chaperone for any of our trips or serving during events. 

We ask that you mark the trip or event that you are most interested in serving at. There is no guarantee that any individual will be asked to serve at the selected trip or event. However, this will help us, as a team, to be sure that we have a well-rounded group of leaders to help us accomplish the desired outcome of the trip or event. 

Please also note that some trips have more people sign up to be chaperones than others. We will seek to be as fair as possible in selecting chaperones for each trip. 
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Full Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
I am actively growing in my relationship with Jesus Christ *
No, not at all
Yes, 🔥💯
In a few sentences please elaborate on the previous question.  *
On average, how many days a week do you spend in God's Word?  *
My social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, X, TikTok) are consistent with how I act and present myself at church.  *
Please select the Mission Trips which you most desire to serve on. *
Please select the EVENT(S) which you most desire to serve at.  *
Please select the ways in which you would be willing to serve for trips/events. *
Please share briefly why you wish to serve in the areas listed above.  *
I understand that the leadership of CrossPoint Student Ministry is striving to lead and equip students to the best of their ability under the authority and leadership of God. With this understanding, I wish to serve under the leadership of the CrossPoint Student Staff. I recognize that I am volunteering to serve students and assist the leadership as they seek to follow the Holy Spirit's guidance during all trips and events. As a servant and volunteer I will submit to the leadership of Daniel, Preston, Abi, Jacey Grace, and Austin. I will seek to be a part of the fulfillment of the vision of each of these trips and events. As a chaperone, I will be careful with my words, my actions, and my thoughts. I will not demean anyone on staff or any of my fellow volunteers or chaperones. I will diligently uphold the conduct and expectations set for chaperones and volunteers. I will be flexible and do what the leadership believes is best for the group. I will seek to be an extension of the student staff when serving as a volunteer. I will strive to be an encourager and will strive to build up the Body of Christ in whatever way that I am serving. Ultimately, I will seek to honor and glorify God in my service to the student ministry of CrossPoint.  *
I am willing to go through the MinistrySafe training AND have a background check done before serving or chaperoning with CrossPoint Student Ministry.
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I have completely read and agree with the adult service guidelines, policies and procedures, and dress code of the CrossPoint Student Ministry. 
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