APA Division 15: Anti-Colonial and Anti-Racist Syllabus Challenge
Join APA Division 15 Race and Diversity Committee for the five-day online anti-colonial and anti-racist syllabus challenge. Once you complete this form and indicate your interest you will receive instructions on how to access materials which will be active for online asynchronous engagement July 29 - August 2, 2024.  

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Gender Pronoun (for e.g., I use she/her/hers) 
University or Academic Affiliation? Please provide institution name
What is your role at your institution?
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What interests you about this online asynchronous challenge?
Are you planning to attend the APA Covention?
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Would you be interested in attending an in-person event to network and collaborate with fellow syllabus challenge colleagues at APA? 
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Are you interested in hearing about other Div 15 Race and Diversity and sub-committee events?
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