Tipo Brda delavnica z Ivanom Castrom

Na tej praktični delavnici se bomo naučili, kako pristopiti k "script letteringu", od prve skice do končnega izdelka. Začeli bomo z osnovami kaligrafije, zrisane s čopičem ter skozi praktične demonstracije mentora osvojili osnove pisanja črk, tehnike skiciranja, logiko ritma in kompozicijo "letteringa". Ogledali si bomo tudi različne pristope k risanju črk v stilu letteringa, kjer bo vsak od udeležencev oblikoval kratek stavek, napis.

1. dan (10h - 18h s pavzo)
Polformalna kaligrafija z okroglim čopičem.
• Velike začetnice, ki spremljajo minuskulo
• Različice formalne strukture

2. dan (10h - 18h s pavzo)
• Kako osnovati "lettering" projekt
• Korekture in vodstvo mentorja z vsakim od udeležencev, od prve skice do končnega napisa
• Zaključna kritika in druženje

Delavnica bo potekala v angleškem jeziku.

10. – 11. september 2022

Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje Ljubljana, Slovenija

Rok za prijavo:
30. julij 2022

300 €
študenti in člani Tipo Brda: 270 €

Po oddaji prijave na delavnico, boš preko e-pošte prejel-a nadaljne informacije glede plačila prijavnine (IBAN itd.). Prijavnino je potrebno poravnati v roku dveh dni od prijave, zanji rok za plačilo je 1. avgust 2022. S plačano prijavnino, je tvoje mesto na delavnici potrjeno.

Če se v delavnice ne moreš udeležit, ti povrnemo 70 % prijavnine, za razloga odpovedi:
– bolezeni (predložiti moraš zdravniško poročilo),
– huda bolezen ali smrt bližnjega sorodnika (tj. starši, bratje in sestre, zakonec / partner, otroci; predložiti moraš zdravniško poročilo)

Drugih razlogov za povračilo ne sprejemamo.
Če želiš preklicati prijavo na delavnico, nam to sporoči na: tipobrda@gmail.com

Organizatorja: društvo Tipo Brda in zavod Type Salon
Partner: Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje

Pomembno: V primeru da delavnice zaradi omejitev ki bodo veljale v tem času, ne bomo mogli organizirati, ti povrnemo 100 % strošek prijavnine.

Seznanjen/a sem, da bo TipoBrda zagotovila varstvo mojih osebnih podatkov v skladu z:
– Uredbo (EU) 2016/679 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 27. 4. 2016,
– Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov (Uradni list RS, št. 94/07 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo),
– Pravilnikom o varovanju osebnih in zaupnih podatkov na Univerzi v Ljubljani.

Vaši osebni podatki, ki so označeni z *, bodo obdelovani za namen izvedbe delavnice. Seznanjen/a sem, da je iz tega razloga privolitev k obdelavi osebnih podatkov pogoj za udeležbo v aktivnosti. Seznanjen/a sem, da imam glede osebnih podatkov, ki se nanašajo name, pravico seznanitve, dopolnitve, popravka, omejitve obdelave, izbrisa, prenosljivosti in ugovora. Za potrebe promocij, objav, člankov in ostalih podobnih vsebin, dovoljujem uporabo fotografij nastalih na delavnici.


Lettering workshop with Ivan Castro

We'll learn how to approach a script lettering piece, from the first sketch to the final work. After practicing the foundations of brush-written calligraphy and through slide presentations and practical demonstrations, we'll see the basics of lettering, sketching techniques, the logic of rhythm, composition and all that technical stuff that makes a difference. We'll also see the different ways of starting a script lettering work, and everyone will get to do their own project that will consist of a logotype or a short sentence, with the help of the personal tuition of the instructor.

Day 1 (10h - 18h with a break)
Semi-formal Italic calligraphy with a round brush.
• Capital forms to accompany the minuscule
• Variations on the formal structure

Day 2 (10h - 18h with a break)
• How to engage a lettering project in script style
• Personal project with guideness, from the first sketch to the finished work
• Closing critique

Language: English

September 10–11, 2022

MAO, Museum of architekture and design, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Deadline for applications:
30 July, 2022

Registration fee:
300 €
students and Tipo Brda memebrs: 270 €

After registering via this form, you will receive an e-mail with further information regarding payment (bank account number etc.). The registration fee must be paid within 2 days of the confirmation email – bank transactions have to be completed by 1 Aug 2022. Candidates are officially enrolled into the workshop only after payment.

In case of cancellation, 70 % of your fee will be refunded in case of:
– Illness (you must provide a medical report),
– severe illness or death of a close relative (i.e. parents, siblings, spouse/partner, children; you must provide a medical report).

No other reasons for reimbursement will be accepted.
To cancel your submission please write to: tipobrda@gmail.com

Organized by: Tipo Brda society & Type Salon
Partner: MAO

Important information: In case we won’t be able to organize the workshop, because of the restrictions during the time of the workshop, we will refund 100% of your fee. 

I am aware that Tipo Brda will ensure the protection of my personal data in accordance with:
– Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council from day 27 April 2016,
– Personal Data Protection Act (Official Gazette RS, No. 94/07 - official consolidated text),

Your personal information marked with * will be processed for the purpose of the worksop. I am aware that for this reason, consent to the processing of personal data is a condition for participation in the activity. I am aware that I have the right to know, amend, correct, limit processing, deletion, portability and objection as regards to personal data relating to me. For the purposes of promotions, publications, articles and other similar contents, I allow the use of photographs taken at the workshop.

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