Data Science Phase II Evaluation
This form is to be completed by due July 15th, 2022 by 11:59pm (CT). Students will need to complete the form separately for each proposal they are evaluating. Mentors will need to complete the form for each project they are supervising.
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Email *
What is your name? *
Are you a mentor or a student? *
What is the title of the project proposal title that you are evaluating? *
### Proposal Strengths and Weaknesses
Considering what you have seen in the team's report and proposal, please evaluate the overall project proposal on the following criteria and include comments below each score justifying the score with examples of strengths and weaknesses. Use the following scoring scale:

1 - Absent / Exceptionally Poor
2 - Below Average
3 - Satisfactory
4 - Very Good
5 - Outstanding

Clinical Relevance *
 Proposal addresses an important issue relevant to clinical practice
Exceptionally Poor
Clinical Relevance Comments
Strengths and weaknesses of the proposal
Background *
Report provides background information on the reverent data sets, analysis methods, and previous findings
Exceptionally Poor
Background Comments
Strengths and weaknesses of the reports.
Formulation *
Proposal articulates a clear, well-formulated research question
Exceptionally Poor
Formulation Comments
Strengths and weaknesses of the proposal.
Dataset Relevancy *
Dataset(s) is appropriate for addressing the proposed problem (relevant with sufficient size and quality)
Exceptionally Poor
Dataset Relevancy Comments
Strengths and weaknesses of the proposal.
Data Complexity *
Project contains sufficient challenge in the acquisition, processing, and management of data
Exceptionally Poor
Data Complexity Comments
Strengths and weaknesses of the proposal.
Analysis Relevancy *
Analysis method(s) are appropriate for addressing the proposed problem (relevant and matching current literature)
Exceptionally Poor
Analysis Relevancy Comments
Strengths and weaknesses of the proposal.
Analysis Complexity *
Project contains sufficient difficulty in undertaking its described, iterative analysis
Exceptionally Poor
Analysis Complexity Comments
Strengths and weaknesses of the proposal.
Clarity *
Report and Proposal were well-written in a professional, concise, understandable manner
Exceptionally Poor
Clarity Comments
Strengths and weaknesses of the submission.
### Overall Assessment of Project
Time Commitment *
Based on your understanding, how much time do you expect this project to take per team member on average?
Time Commitment Comments
Completion *
Based on your understanding, on a scale of 1-10, what is the likelihood that this project can be successfully completed as proposed?
Extremely Unlikely
Almost Certain
Completion Comments
What appears to you to be the most significant obstacles to the project's completion or issues with its proposed timeline?
Impact *
If the project is carried out as planned, on a scale of 1-10, what would be its likely impact?
Very little
Very strong
Impact Comments
### Miscellaneous
Any additional feedback for the team or the course instructors?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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