Engineers Week Festival - Volunteer Sign-Up
The San Diego County Engineering Council (SDCEC) invites you to join in on the Engineers Week planning activities. We have several volunteer positions, from "day-of" support, "pre-festival" planning, as well as joining Ad-hoc and standing committees.  

The annual Engineers Week activities is part of the Programs and Events Committee, Awards Committee, and many of the Ad-hoc committees that pull together the publicity, social media, and even fun events like the Student art contest. You can read more about the SDCEC volunteer roles here

We could use you help. So, join us volunteer and bring your friends along. Below are several open volunteer needs. Choose the areas that best interest you. We also have openings for general partners to support on an as-need basis.
Přihlaste se do Googlu, abyste mohli uložit dosavadní postup. Další informace
E‑mail *
Name *
Phone Number
Pre-Festival Planning (December - February)
Day of Support - Festival Awards Celebration & Reception, Sunday, Feb 19, 2023
All-Year Standing Committees
Any additional comments, notes or questions?  A committee representative will contact you about your volunteer role and the next steps. Thank you for volunteering!
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