Are you for hire?
Calling all independent contractors, side hustlers, and anyone looking for work! Growclass wants to help you land your next job and get more clients.

This community is made up of many founders, marketers, and businesses who could use some extra help. We want to recommend your talent to folks who are looking to hire.

Let us know if you're open for work :)
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Your Full Name *
Your Email Address *
Your LinkedIn Profile *
Your Website
Don't have a website? Feel free to share your social media profile instead.
What's your one liner? *
"I'm a [specialty] that helps [dream clients] achieve [outcomes of working with you]."
How would you describe your current employment status? *
What services do you offer? *
Think keywords over paragraphs, bullet points are welcomed :)
How many years experience do you have in your field? *
Your ideal employer / client *
Do you prefer to work with big corporations, SMBs, or startups at a certain funding level? Who is your customer persona?
What is your ideal working environment? *
What city do you operate out of? *
Freelancers and contractors - How do you charge?
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Are you okay with us highlighting you in our newsletter? *
Thank you for taking the time to submit this form. Let's get you hired! 🦀
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