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Join the UW Psychology EDI Working Group
Hello! Please fill out this form if you are interested in joining the Department of Psychology's EDI Working Group at the University of Waterloo.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Full name
Your answer
Your answer
Current role at the University of Waterloo
Psychology undergraduate student (e.g., Psych major or minor)
Psychology graduate student
Psychology staff member
Psychology faculty
Expected term/year of graduation
Your answer
Current initiative(s) you want to work on
Please see the initiative descriptions on the EDI working group website, then select the initiative(s) for which you are prepared to volunteer your time on a regular basis during the current academic year.
Undergraduate Mentoring Program
Student Supports
Equity Data Reporting (currently paused)
(Optional) Are there additional skills or ideas for initiatives that you hope to contribute to the group's work?
Your answer
(Optional) Do you have any other comments or questions about joining this working group?
Your answer
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