OCTOBER 2023 Breast Cancer Awareness — Tell Us Your Story
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we want to share your experiences — of inspiration, triumph (or tribulation), the fears and the fight, courage, and survival. If you'd like to be a part of Covey Club's article during this year's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, please share your story here. Thank you!
Adreça electrònica *
Full Name *
Age (current)  *
Age (when diagnosed) *
Some things to think about:
How did you/the doctors discover the cancer?
Do you remember your initial reaction or how you informed your family?
Did you feel you had a community/resources/good team in place to fight and win?
What valuable lesson or learning can you share with other Covey readers? *
Would you be willing to share a photo with us? (If so, we will follow-up with instructions.) *
What advice do you have for any woman who might be diagnosed this month/year? *
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