RSVP for CGPH Happy Hour 2.23.23
The Center for Global Public Health would like to invite all those in the UC Berkeley community with an interest in global public health to join us as we host a happy hour on Thursday, February 23, from 4:30-6:00-pm at the 2nd floor lobby of Li Ka Shing (Oxford St, across from Yali's). Come to reconnect, meet and mingle with fellow students and faculty/staff who are interested in global health!

To make sure we have enough food & drink, please sign up here:
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Correo *
Name *
Title/Organizational Affiliation (i.e., MPH student/School of Public Health) *
Department (i.e., HPM, IDV, N/A)
Food allergies *
(OPTIONAL) Are you affiliated with any global health-related organizations or initiatives (i.e., labs, student groups, research projects, centers) on campus, please let us know which one(s). As an example: RR\ID, CEGA, Harris Lab, minor certificate, GPH Fellowship, etc). 
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