ITS Competitions Registration Forms
Universal Registration Form for all Tournaments
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Which tournament are you registering?
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First Name
Last Name
Playdek username (this will be shared in public)
National Federation (TLD Code) (You'll compete with its Flag, and you can play national federation games only with this federation)
Country of Residence (TLD Code) - shared only with your opponents
City of Residence - Shared only with your opponents and in divisions algorythm (If you don't wish to write your city of residence, please just write any other city in the same country and timezone). IMPORTANT: Your timezone will be calculated acording to this information. Let us know if it changes.
Province/County/State of Residence (if in USA, you can play state federation games only with this federation)
Phone number (including country preffix) (Optional, never shared in public)
Do you want to join Whatsapp Group?
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What is your favorite time limit (per player)? - This will be shared in public
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What is your usual way of playing? - This will be shared in public
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