Speaker Application for How To DAO conferences
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If you plan on applying to multiple H2D conferences, ensure that you confirm the conference you will attend.
Name *
Email *
Organization *
Your Twitter handle
Your Farcaster handle 

How to DAO conference focuses on onboarding local web2 builders to web3, which is why the presentations should either answer "how to" or "why to" questions.

Below, please indicate one or multiple topics you would be comfortable covering.

Tell us a little bit about yourself what has been your journey, and what would you like people to know about you? (If you are chosen as a speaker this BIO will be published online)  *
Why are you interested in speaking at the How to DAO conference and what you can bring to our audiance?  *
The conference will be a combination of panels, 8-minute talks, and 25-minute workshops; which one would you prefer? *
Would you be interested to showcase your organization at the event or even have your own booth to engage with our audience?  *
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