What is your dream day trip to Ocean City Beach?
At Fun In the OC, our goal is to provide you with a stress-free and enjoyable day at the beach.  Tell us about your dream beach day and sign up for our mailing list to stay in the loop and get updates on our trips.  We want to make your beach dream come true this year.  Let us take you there!
Imagine your ideal day trip to Ocean City Beach. What would you enjoy? Check all that apply. *
What days would you be available to take a day trip to the beach?  Check all that apply. *
What would make your trip to the beach hassle free?  Check all that apply. *
Would you prefer to take a bus to Ocean City? *
Would you prefer an all-inclusive trip that includes pre-planned food and activities or would you prefer a basic trip where you choose your own food and activities when you get to the beach? *
What is the most you would pay for a Basic Day Trip to Ocean City, MD? *
What is the most you would pay for an All-Inclusive Day Trip to Ocean City, MD? *
What is your preferred pick-up/drop-off location? *
Join Our Mailing List
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us! Your feedback is essential in helping us create the perfect day trips to the beach tailored just for you. Complete this last section to stay up to date on our trips this year.
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