ORICoop Producers Page
As a part of ORICoop we are passionate about connecting foodies closer to their farmers, across regions, across States, and in these times, to underpin our food security.  There has never been a more important time to know your farmers!

We would REALLY appreciate if you could take few mins to complete these brief questions - and we will be in touch with you further to upload your farm onto our Producer Page.

You can see our Producers Page currently here: - https://openfoodnetwork.org.au/groups/oricoop

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Email *
Your Name
Best Contact (Mobile/Phone No)
What are the key reasons for your interest to get your farm or local collective online?  How do you already sell your produce?
Please list your online presence (Facebook page, twitter, instagram or website?)
Are there other ways you would be interested to connect with others in your region (online or remotely?)
What of the following best represents you in your region?
Would you be interested in connecting more with local organic farmers in your region?
Are there areas about ORICoop that are of interest to you?
What partners or food collectives in your region do you think might be suitable alliances with ORICoop?  And why?  (please include link)
In what ways are you already involved in your local community with regard to farms, food, co-ops &/or local investment?
Would you be interested to help further in your region establishing a stronger local food system?  In what way may you be able to contribute?
What ways would you be interested in being more involved with ORICoop?
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